🔥 More About Me

About My Journey and Struggling Life

Don't Believe in Quantity, Believe in Quality. | Being unique is better than being perfect. | Don't Just Do It Well - Do It Brilliantly!

Advanced English Learning
Learn Advanced English
Advanced English Learning
Learn Advanced English

About The Author/Writer

I, Soumitra Debnath, was born into a poor family on 18th November, 1994. From my childhood, I have been experiencing lots of problems and difficulties that came in the way of my personal life as well as my educational life. I've also seen the cruelty of the bad people and the kindness of the good people.

My father was a house painter who always wanted me to study higher and get our family out of poverty. To build my career, my parents and my little brother, Bittu (Chhotu) helped me a lot. I'm very grateful to them. But, unfortunately, my father passed away in 2021.

Finally, I completed my graduation with English Honours in 2017. Since then I've been working for doing something great that can help lots of people to build their better career.

To fulfil my dream, I started learning about the online world and computer programming. By the way, I have an intense interest in learning computer programming. My expertise in English Language and interest in the online world encouraged me to do something big in my life.

By the way, learning English helped me and encouraged me a lot to know more about the online world and computer programming. So, I say English is not knowledge, it's a language and it's such a language that definitely helps us to gain diversified knowledge. This language gives us extra Benefits to achieve something big in our lives.

However, learning English undoubtdely has given me an opportunity to achieve what I really want. That's why I created a Course called Advanced English Learning to help those who really want to write and speak advanced English confidently and fluently. From my past 7 years of experience I have included the most important topics into this course so that you can learn Advanced English Writing and Speaking without any difficulties. I've written the entire course in a simple language. I hope, you all will be greatly benefited by this valuable course.

Currently, I'm working on my future projects that will, I believe, definitely help you to find some better ways to reach your destination. To achieve Great Success, you must believe in yourself and on what you're doing.

The Journey of doing something unique is not easy. Of course it's difficult and challanging but not impossible. Good things take time to happen. Great things demand time and a lot of sacrifices. Always remember 'Rome wasn't built in one day' and We didn't get freedom from the British overnight.

Success demands one direction with dedication, determination and perseverance. Choose one thing and give your everything, your mind, your soul, your energy into it; feel it, dream it and make it your purpose of life. Then Success will be Achieved. Thanks a lot. All the Best. I'm always with you.

Don't Believe in Quantity, Believe in Quality. | Being unique is better than being perfect. | Don't Just Do It Well - Do It Brilliantly!

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