How to Make Emphatic Sentences Using Do, Does and Did | Make Emphatic Sentences Using Do, Does and Did

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Use of DO, DOES and DID for Giving Emphasis

Generally, we use DO and DOES in making Interrogative sentences in Simple Present Tense. But, in advanced English, they can be used for emphasizing [for making emphatic sentences]. And 'Did' is used to make emphatic sentences in Simple Past (Past Indefinite) Tense.

* People use 'do' in this way to put some emphasis on what they say or want to do.

Let's Understand This By Taking Some Examples,

1) We can simply say, 'I like Tom' or 'He likes Tom'. But, if I want to give some emphasis on the sentences, I have to take the help of the auxiliary verbs 'do' or 'does' like this: I do like Tom or He does like Tom.

Read the Following Sentences Very Carefully and Try to Understand the Differences:

1) I read every day [Simple Affirmative Sentence]

    I do read every day. [Emphatic Sentence]

2) He studies every day. [Simple Affirmative Sentence]

    He does study every day. [Emphatic Sentence]

5) He wrote a letter to you. [Simple Affirmative Sentence] 

    He did write a letter to you. [Emphatic Sentence]

Let's Understand this in Detail By Taking Another Example,

2) I invited him to my birthday party. [This is a simple sentence with no emphasis.]

And, If we want to add some emphasis to it, we have to take the help of the auxiliary verb 'did' in this way:

I did invite him to my birthday party. 

Don't say: I did invited him to my birthday party. [We must use the first form of the verb here.]

We can simply say, 'I invited him.' [Here the sentence, 'I invited him.', is in the Simple Past Tense]

But, if we want to emphasise the sentence, 'I invited him.', we have to place 'did' before the word 'invite', as in the sentence: I did invite him. 

[Here the word 'did' is used because the sentence is in the past tense. If the sentence is in the present tense, we should use 'do' or 'does' according to the rules, i.e., 'do' for first and second persons and 'does' for third-person singular numbers, as in the examples: I do like him. We do work hard. He does work hard.]

3) The First Part of the Following Sentences are not emphatic, but the second part is emphatic:

A) He didn't like Tom, but he did like his brother, John. 
B) I don't like this, but I do like that. 
C) I said I would pass the exam and I did pass the exam. 
D) I don't like tea but I do like coffee.

How to Emphasize an Imperative Sentence?

To emphasize an Imperative sentence, you just have to add 'Do' at the beginning of the sentence.

Let's Have a Look At The Sentences Below:

Come here.
Do come here.

Speak English.
Do speak English.

Do speak.

Try to understand.
Do try to understand.

Listen to me.
Do listen to me.

Open the door.
Do open the door.

Write a letter.
Do write a letter.

More Examples

Do take medicines on time.
Do complete homework.
Do drink water.
Do meet me in my office.
Do come home today.
Do come tomorrow.

Now Read the Following Conversations and Try to Understand the Situation:

A ) Jane: I love you, John.
      John: You don't love me.
      Jane: What are you saying, John. Are you mad? I (really) do love you. [Emphatic Statement]
      John: You didn't call me yesterday.
      Jane:  I did call you, John. But you didn't receive my call.

B ) John: You didn't give me the money.
      Jane: I gave you the money, try to remember.
      John: You didn't.
      Jane: I did give you the money. [Emphatic Statement]

C) Tom: Does he go to school?
     John: Yes, he goes to school.
     Tom: You're wrong. He doesn't go to school.
     John: I've already told you; why don't you believe me? He does go to school. [Here 'does' is used to give an emphasis.]

More Examples of Emphatic Sentences

Well, I'm not good-looking but I do have a girlfriend. [I'm not a good-looking person but still, I've a girlfriend.]

I need to eat something because I'm hungry. 
I do need to eat something because I'm hungry. 

She wrote a letter. [Normal Statement]
She did write a letter. [Emphatic Statement]

I help you.
I do help you.

I read novels every night.
I do read novels every night.

I work every day.
I do work every day.

I know you well.
I do know you well.

He said that. [Simple statement]
He did say that. [Emphatic statement]

We need to buy a new car. [Simple statement with no emphasis]
We do need to buy a new car. [Emphatic statement]

She looks beautiful. [No emphasis]
She does look beautiful. [Emphasis]

Come to my birthday party next week.
Do come to my birthday party next week.

I paid all the dues. [Normal statement]
I did pay all the dues. [Emphatic statement]

I admitted that I was wrong. [No emphasis]
I did admit that I was wrong. [Emphasis]

He said that he would come. [Normal Sentence]
He did say that he would come. [Emphatic Sentence]

You cleaned the dishes. [Normal sentence with no emphasis.]
You did clean the dishes. [Emphatic sentence]

Important Notes

1) Use 'Do' or 'Does' for emphasis in Simple Present (Present Indefinite) Tense, and use 'Did' for emphasizing an action in Simple Past Tense.

2) I case of Possession: [Sub + Do/Does/Did + Have + Noun].

For example, He has a car. To make this sentence emphatic, just use 'does' before 'have' like this: He does have a car. [Don't say: He does has a car.]

3) To Add Some Emphasis to The Negative sentences, Do Not Use A Contraction.

For example,

He didn't enjoy the party. [No emphasis]
He did not enjoy the party. [Emphasis]

He doesn't exercise much. [No emphasis]
He does not exercise much. [Emphasis]

I don't smoke. [No emphasis]
I do not smoke. [Emphasis]

3) In future tenses, we use 'will' instead of 'shall' or 'shall' instead of 'will' to emphasize what we say.

For example,

I shall go there. [Normal]
I will go there. [Emphatic]
He will go there. [Normal]
He shall go there. [Emphatic]

4) Emphatic Pronouns: I myself saw him walking in the garden. | He himself made this cake. | I myself invited him.

* Know More About Emphatic Pronouns [Click Here To Know More]

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