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Advanced English Writing & Speaking

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Advanced English Writing and Speaking

About The Author

I am Soumitra Debnath, the owner, founder and author of this amazing website 'English Stall'. 'English Stall' is a website all about Advanced English Learning for achieving incredible success in life. From my childhood, I have faced a lot of difficulties and financial crises that inspired me a lot to become a successful human in future. After I completed my graduation in English Literature, I created a website and build an application called English Stall in order to help people to learn Advanced English Writing and Speaking.

I thought that I would share my knowledge with the world that can bring changes in the lives of other people. That's why I created this website to share my knowledge about Advanced English Writing and Speaking. Every person who wants to achieve something big in his life should learn Advanced English.

More About Me

I was born into a poor family. From my childhood, I am experiencing lots of problems and difficulties that came in the way of my personal life as well as educational life. I have also seen the cruelty of the bad people and the kindness of the good people. After lots of difficulties, finally, I completed my graduation with English Honours in 2017. After my graduation, I started learning about the online world and computer programming. By the way, I have an intense interest in learning computer programming. My expertise in English Language and interest in the online world encouraged me to do something big in my life. I have developed an app called English Stall along with this blog website Englishtall.Com to share my knowledge about Advanced English Speaking and Writing. I think academic qualification is not enough to become successful in life. Self-study and self-improvement are necessary to achieve incredible success in life. Learn everything, but you must be an expert in one thing that helps you to become a successful person.

About English Stall

English Stall is all about Advanced English Learning (Advanced English Writing and Speaking) for achieving incredible success in life.

Actually, English Stall is a stall or a platform for learning Advanced English Writing and Speaking by reading and learning Advanced English Grammar, Advanced English Speech and Conversations, Important English Words, Idioms and Phrases, Beautiful English Quotes and Expressions, Daily Use English Sentences and More. Reading is one of the most effective ways of learning something fast. 

I think English Stall will help to change the lives of many people around the globe. This must fall a positive impact on the lives of millions of people on this globe.

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